I am Ovie Bright, the ICTeachers, journalst for this week, i will like to report on our last activities of this course, RICT.
First of all, our Teacher propose that we make a Rubric to evaluate
Secondly, we were asked by our Teacher to join with other group to consensusly make one rubric from the previous ones we did individually in our groups. And this group was The Coconut.
Thirdly, we were told, to use the new rubric to evaluate a new groups, called the wildcats, see u on tuesday and the Tinkiwinkis, their star and facilitator work on task two, their comic.
Fourthly, we were as well given feedback, from our peers concerning our Blog, what we should improve concerning our translator and analyst for that week and what we have done well.
Finally, we have come to the end of this activies, that is to say, this is the last activities for this course, it has been a learning experience and improvement on educational aspect.
Here, i will like to thank you all for your constant visit and i hope you have as well acquire knowledge with our information.
Stay inform and learn new things because knowledge is power.
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