Hello everybody! My name is Darío and this week I have been asigned to the role of the analyst of the group, so let's not wait too much and let's get into the analysis of this week's task!
In this first activity we needed to prepare a presentation about the TPACK and the ACAD in a form of speedlearning with the help of mind maps, diagrams and even spider diagrams as we have seen in another group. The teacher send us this task because it was interesting from her point of view and, in fact, it really was. At first, we had no idea of what it was ACAD nor TPACK, so we were a Little bit anxious about the task, with that kind of anxiety or stress being reinforced because it was the first task that we needed to make and present, thus leaving the class with a good sensation.
On the one hand, the best part of the task was when the two stars presented the poster to our team because we felt kinda relieved because now we knew with confidence that they were going to present perfectly. On the other hand, the worst part of the work were the two first days of the task due to the fact that we were “new” into this kind of classroom or learning format.
With this task we have concluded and learned that technology is one of the key aspects of the learning process nowadays and if you dominate it with the other key dimensions or knowledge that are included in the TPACK such as Pedadogical and Content Knowledge that will be fundamental in our way to be future teachers. Although many people are against the use of technologies in the classroom
As the analyst of the whole team, I have been observing quietly but effectively the different traits that each member of the group could contribute to the task itself. In addition, I would like to preserve the rather friendly attitude between of all the members and the confidence that we put on both stars of the task and the creative way on doing a good poster without any difficulties at all. Nevertheless, the one thing that I would like to point out as a kind of negative trait was the first setp that we had to make to work on the task, which was kind of a mess, we were a Little bit lost (which is very normal, its our first task in the subject, it was common that we were very nervous about all the task and its sorroundings)
In relation to other courses in we have been. This task has reminded me of mostly “Planificación de la Acción Educativa” because we learned some things about methodology
and most of the cuatrimester we were learning with a Project based learning that, as many people involved in the world of different student approaches or teacher approaches, consist in doing several projects without much supervisión from the teacher and with the help of technology in order to upload the several tasks and projects that we had to do and search the information that we needed in order to finish those works.this part of the subject thought us that we have to be aware of the changes of electronics, because it is something that is constantly developing over time. The other subject that has reminded of was Teorías Contemporaneas de la Educación because in that course we investigated and we went trough the main educative theories that people went in order to alternate the traditional method of teaching such as Rousseau, Marx and Engels, Freire, Ferrer i Guardia and authors such as McLuhan which is one of the first or the first that tried to implement the use of technologies in the learning process by letting watching the TV, using the computers because he thought that learning with the technology would be very useful and would change the school forever.
In addition technology is improving and it is making it increasingly. It could be a problem because children spend more time with gadgets than socializing. When we were young, we met at the park and did not bring our electronic tools to enjoy of friendship and the park, obviously. Technology is taking control of us because we focus so much on having the best and the newest device and we forget the real sense and practice of things. In contrast, technology is also helpful and a great tool for education, in this case, as well as in the majority of things. Technology should be reflexed in education for students to make a good use of it
In terms of the feedback, the teacher said and recommended us to change the poster in a more mind-map way, without explaning too much about the TPACK and ACAD, which was the way we did it. In the moment that we received that feedback Eva changed the poster to adapt it in a diagram way.
That would be everything in this Analyst's report of this task.
Go teachers go!
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