Hi! I am María, this week´s journalist. 

This week in ICTeachers has been like being on a roller coaster, since we got a comic that we had never done before and we were a little nervous for that reason. 

To do this task, the first thing we did was read the text individually at home in order to get to class and share what we had understood from it. Once everything was clear, we divided the text into parts in order to summarize it easier and we also explain the main potentialities. 

When the content that we had in the comic becames clear, we investigated what an Auca was. Auca is a comic that is divided in frames, in which there would be a verse below, and that number of frames had to be a multiple of four. 

Once we knew what it was, we started creating the rythms. We used a Google document in which each one launched their creativity. From our point of view, they were very nice!!

With the rhythms done, we started to create the drawings that were going yo accompany them. This was my favourite part XD. 

Once finished, we add our logo and a QR Code to be able to access the comic virtually. Finally, on Wednesday our star Josepe defended it very well in front of our colleagues. We have to say that the rest of the comic formats were very complicated too and the result was amazing. Our favourite comic was elaborated by Potential Buddies. I invited you to take a look at their blog

We recommend that you take a look at this blog of a teacher who has used comics to teach history. 
