Analyst Week 7

Hi everyone! I'm Darío and I am this week's analyst for the practice 7 which was the creation of a podcast inviting a star from other group and asking him/her some questions about their experience with the different activties that they have done throughout the week. It has been a long project if we have to be honest because we had to play the entire week the coding games, getting information from all the tutorials of each game while being new people in the coding world" and in the podcast context. Nontheless, we were more familiar with the podcast because is a recent term and we have heard about the word or we even have listened to one of them in our life.

To begin with, our favourite part of the project was the introduction of the games that we had to play in order to progress in the creation of the podcast. This was in part because we felt like little kids in the school doing some work in the school computers, giving us a nostalgic feeling in terms of doing this simple work. Also, when you passed the levels the difficulty was increasing a lot, eventually it became that hard that we need to figure out what we had to do for around 10 minutes in order to pass. 

On the other hand, the least favourite that my team and I would consider will be the fact that we needed to be in a rush to create the podcast effectively and without any mistakes in class, we think we needed more time that we had in the first place creating all the types of things we needed to say in the podcast to keep it more than 8 minutes and less than 15 minutes.

We have learnt to make a podcast in a decent way without many errors or mistakes in the process and doing the activities, we learn that we can create some activties for our pupils in the future. Also we learned how to code some simple games 

To end up with, this have been one of the most interesting projects of the entire cuatrimester as the fact that this is the future and the kids will learn in other ways such as with podcasts and other things for example code games in order to understand languages and comprehend instructions
