Hello guys!

I'm Jose Pedro, the fifth journalist. In this fifth week of the course, we had developed an activity that I proceed to explain below. We started this activity on Friday, February 26. On this first day, we read the guidelines that we had to follow. The activity consisted of finding three applications that our teacher forced us to use, three that we have discovered during the realization of this course, and three that we already used to use; and then, completing a rubric about them.

This first day, after reading what we had to do, we began to create the templates for the rubrics, and then we did the first three together, then, we divided the six left between the six of us, so everyone could do one. We brought them to class on Wednesday, the third of March. In that class the teacher make us develop a method for evaluating the aspects that appeared in the rubrics, and also the whole class discussed the aspects that we considered most or less important, interesting...

This week activity has helped us to think twice before using aplications, as much as due to the fact of the bad conditions of privacy and cookies that some applications have, as well as the accessibility, which we did not take into account but it is a crucial aspect when applying it in a class. 

Despite that, we have reflected and believe that personally and as long as we are students we will continue to use these applications. It is not a big problem for us to accept the terms of privacy and data since we have accepted them in many other situations. However, we are aware that this will change when we become teachers since our responsibility will be to ensure that children's privacy is safe.

Finally, I recommend that you take a look at the website of my colleagues 'Puzzle team' since their blog is very good and also explains the different activities that we have been developing throughout the course.

On the other hand, I also leave here a link to some videos about the privacy of applications that we found very interesting and educational. The first one is about how to identify when a web page is safe and the second explains more about the topic of privacy and security. Hope you enjoy and like them!
