Journalist week 8


Hello everybody, I'm Eva, the journalist of the week. Last Friday, ou teacher gave us a new task to complete, and I'm going to take you through our work in this post.

On Friday we were introduce to a new concept for us, Personal Learning Environment (PLE). To sum it up, the PLE is all the things we use o learn. It includes what materials, what tools, what people do we learn from, everything you learn something from, whichever the way you leran it. 

As you might have guessed, because eveyone has a different environment, our PLE's are not the same. They are unique, like us. We learn in different ways, from different people, with different things, maybe even in different languages. 

Once she finished showing us what a PLE was, she gave us a google form to complete, in this case individually. Every member of the group had to complete it thoughtfully, and bring the results for the next class. The form was about the use we do of the 9 tools we worked on a few tasks before. 

Tuesday morning, we shared our results with the other groupmates, as to compare what were the similarities, what were the differences, what strucked us, what didn't surprised us. There was a reflection to be done once we had shared the answers. That talk was the first part of the class.

The second part of the class was to create a diagram that would represents the discussion previously done. This diagram needed to show all the aspects of the group's PLE, very different form each member's PLE. We got started, and the result was this: 

Our star of the week, Josepe, had to present the poster to the class and explain what we did, and how it can be understood, even thought it is a self-explanatory diagram. Here is Josepe giving his speech.

That was all our work for this week, hope you found it interesting!

