Translator Week 5


Hello again!
My name is Darío and this week and I am your translator this week and obviously in this activity. As the translator of the week I have to say the five important concepts in this week and define them.

I'd like to start up with the concept of Teaching Presence which consist in the designfacilitation, and direction of cognitive and social processes for the purpose of realizing personally meaningful and educationally worthwhile learning outcomes

As the next concept, I would like to introduce the concept of Funcionality  something is its usefulness, or how well it does the job it's meant to do

The concept of Social presence which is defined the subjective experience of being present with a “real” person and having access to his or her thoughts and emotions* The fourth concept that

I'd like to define is the Cognitive Presence which is the extent to which the participants in any particular configuration of a community of inquiry are able to construct meaning through sustained communication Data protection is a legal mechanism that ensures privacy.

 Privacy is usually defined as the right of any citizen to control their own personal information and to decide about it (to disclose information or not). Privacy is a fundamental human rights.

The best past of working with this task is that we can develop a method in which we can work effectively and we could modify it to our liking plus the fact that is something we can prepare ourselves for the future being teachers.

Now, the worst part of working with this kind of task is that is very difficult to categorise all the tools used because of the fact that there are many technicism used in the rubric which you need to search in order to understand the different concepts.
