Hi I am josepe, the translator of this week and Im going to explain you the terms that I consider most important of this week: 

Computational thinking: is  the process involved in formulating problems and their solutions so that the solutions are represented in a form that can be effectively carried out by someone. It consist in three steps:

  • Problem Specification: analyzing the problem and stabilizing a criteria for its solution. This may include internal steps such as problem decomposition, abstraction and pattern recognition.

  • Algorithmic Expression: find a computational solution using appropriate data representations and algorithm design

  • Solution Implementation and Evaluation: it consists of creating the solution and evaluating it to determine if it's correct and efficient.

The hour of code: is an interactive and didactic webpage for students of all ages to substitute the traditional learning way. It started only by being an introduction to the basic concept of coding, but now, it presents activities of all levels of difficulty allowing kids to take their first steps into coding. The name references the main characteristic of the web, that is that all their activities can be done in less than an hour. Another advantage of this web page (that helps the computational thinking) is that users don't need an account to register themselves and also all activities have instructions to guide the user throughout the activity. In addition, it has activities that can be done without technical support, perfect for no technological classrooms.

Podcast: The podcast is a kind of online radio, with the advantage that it can be listened to at any time (that is, on-demand). It is audio content, available through a file or streaming. The word comes from the combination of iPod (a portable digital audio player) and broadcast.

Coding: In a non-technological way, it is a method of making something easy to interpret or recognize. In technological ones, is the language used by computers to understand our commands and, therefore, process our requests. It is used for communicating with computers, the way that computers and machines can receive instructions on what actions to perform and commands to carry out. It also allows coders to make applications, websites, and all programs to work, or, in the case of Hour of code, videos, draws activities...

Programming: It is (in a technological way) a list of codes arranged in a sequence that results in the completion of work. It consists of assembling a set of instructions in machine language that your machine can execute. It is used for translating human thoughts into commands that can be followed by a computer to bring about a function. It is also more complex than coding.

Finally, regarding the weaknesses of the topic, after reflecting a little we believe that perhaps the least efficient is the part of the experiences. That is to say, we see it as appropriate and coherent that in the podcast we should include the experiences of the activities carried out, however, we believe that it is given great importance since the experience that we may have with these activities is much less rich in knowledge. than that of children for which they are designed for.

We believe that it would be a very good idea for the task to include a mandatory section consisting of testing one of these activities with a child, although we understand that due to the timing of the activity, it might add too much difficulty.
