Welcome to ICTeachers blog, i am Ovie Bright, this week facilator, it has been an interesting two weeks of learning to teach.

   First of all, our Teacher propose a task, that each group had to choose some subjects to  creat a game based on the subject we are to choose. We then choosed the third circles. Point 5:2  Which indicate that our game has to focus on these three areas of subjects.

 1, Natural Environment, 2, Social science , and 3, Natural Science

 With this in mind.  We proceeded to the Royal Decree of Spain, to inquire and learn  the levels of the  students capability for these subjects, we accepted to work with the 5th & 6th grade of the primary school. we decided and name  the game,  ICTower, of which the maximum  players, will be six people at a time.

   Secondly, according to the Bloom Taxonomy, we choosed, the remembering stage, because we wanted to be sure if they remember what they were taught.

   Thirdly, the dice was cast, for every member of the group to choosed a topic to walk on, and the game was created.

   Fourtly, the game was brought to the class to be tested by the group members, it was a new learning experience with fun. And the next day, each group stars went with their individual group games to teach our colleagues, so as to practice how to teach and learn with a Game Based Learning.

   Finally, This was a practical experience, an attention catcher, learning in a new way and having fun. As for me, i am ready to put these to practice.

 Thanks, for visiting our Blog, this will be all for now, until i come your way next time.

Ovie  Bright.

Week 7 Facilator.
