Translator week 10

Hello everyone, I’m Eva. I’m in charge of being the translator for this week’s assignment, the last task of the course. This week we were assigned to create an evaluation rubric for two of the roles we had from the very beginning of the year. Our group was in charge of creating a rubric to evaluate the star and facilitator roles. 

As my role is to select the 5 most important terms for this weeks task, here they are:

-Transversal competencies: these are composed of different skills, knowledge, values and attitudes that are seeing as essential for effective participation. These skills are transferable between jobs and roles, as they are not role- specific. Some of the most common transversal competencies are critical thinking, inerpersonal skills, global citizenships.,life%20in%20the%20current%20times.

- Feedback: This is "the transmission of evaluative or corrective information about an action, event, or process, to the original or controlling source". Giving input on a previous job done. That is to say whatever opinion and advice you are given by someone else who has revised your job.

-Peer-to-peer assessment work: this work involves students taking responsibilities for assessing the work of their peer against set assessment criteria. With this dynamic, students feel engaged in providing feedback to their peers, as well as taking responsibilities and increasing their motivation.,a%20combination%20of%20the%20two.

-Star role: the star role is a job that requires presenting the work and final product done throughout the work process to other peers, adding new information that is important for the whole understanding of the concepts. He is the face of the group. this role usually comes with great responsibility. 

-Facilitator role: The facilitator is in charge of being te boss of the week. he has to divide the different parts of the task, solving whatever conflict that may arise, motivating and guiding their team mates and updating the social spaces of the group. 

Thank you to everyone who has followed us throughout this course, seeing and showing interest in our work.  We hope it has been useful for you and that you have enjoyed our blog and posts. 
