Hello it´s Bel茅n In charge of translator rol and im going to explain in the best way posible the 5 core terms of this week.

I would try no forget nothing about this task based in the ethic activities because the term PLE is quite complex and we need to do a good reflexion.
The core of the task is the term PLE (personal learning environment)
What this new concept means?

Well, we all have an environment where we learn, is such as strands that come together. 
The principal parts of PLE are the tools you use to search information in all the ways posible, in this part we could include our intention or interest to learn something new.
A second part is related with the resources which you find the information.
And in the las part we can find the final personal learning network (PLN) is like a result in which we  are building every single day.

 Currently, we have a lot of information proceeding from the internet and a lot of resources from ICT, for that reason we have to select the information that could we interesting and trustful.

Having said this, our PLE was not an individual task and we worked together to create a grupal one. our personal learning is unique both as individuals and as a group.

To that committed, we put in common some information about the ethic activity, the tools and apps that we use to create our grid and discover it speaking about the following three terms:

-Access is the first part of the tools that we had to discover, starting from the obligatory apps, continue with the already known and ending with the used ones.
How we access to the information (mobil phone, tablet, laptop...) and in where places (class, home, bus...)

-The Discuss is a specific part of our environment learning in which we share between us all kind of information that can find on the red, with some specific app like WhatsApp, which is widely used, we select the content that may best fit. In de discussion we reach an agreement and get the previous job drafted.

-Create is the most visible part of the work and in PLE all members of the group synthesize, structure, organize and share the information, is a form of reflection through activities like this one in which we created a venn diagram.

I would like introduce my last term, Dialogical learning, our group found it really interesting and it is crucial learn from other asking question or listening in presentation like the one we have had in Wednesday´s classroom. It is a basic didactic approach.

More than have to  avoid something in the activity we would like to bear in mind that there are lots information on internet, and in some cases the fake information is a danger to knowledge.
We have to select really well our information an not overwhelm us with the huge amount of material, because internet is a fantastic instrument to find whatever you want to continue growing of your personal learning environment

I hope I have explain in an accurate way and you, who are reading that blog, will be able to have a clear idea about PLE and in particular about our task of the week.

See u in the next activity!

